Soko Inžinjering deals with execution of all types of HVAC installations, including the external distribution with all the necessary accompanying works. In addition to HVAC installations, we are able to perform complete installation works and hydrotechnical installations, as well as all kinds of electrical installations including the complete BMS (Building Management System).
Our mechanical and electrical engineers hold the design and performance licenses. Our company engages engineers certified for handling F-gases, as well as the certified engineers who have passed professional exam in the field of fire protection. Our engineers and assemblers hold certificates for assembly and commissioning of heat pumps, chillers, VRF systems, multi split systems, air conditioning units, cooling units and other equipment within the air conditioning, heating and cooling systems. In order to provide a complete service, we also deal with project designing, implementation and commissioning of the electric motor system for all types of HVAC installations. To carry out project designing, assembly, programming and commissioning of the management and surveillance system, we have been trained and certified by the manufacturers of the equipment. Soko Inžinjering employs welders with gas welding approvals by procedure 311, electrical welding approvals by procedure 111 and argon welding approvals by procedure 141. In addition to legally prescribed medical certificates for working at high altitudes and certificates of first aid training, our assemblers also have certificates of being trained for safe work at high altitudes issued by an accredited institution.
We possess trucks and vans for equipment, materials and people transport; equipment and lifting machines for loads and people working at high altitudes; machines for opening penetrations in floor structures and vertical partitions; appliances and sets for all types of welding; machines for bending both copper and steel tubes; tools for the floor heating system assembly; all kinds of hand-held electric tools as well as other tools and equipment necessary for quality performance.
When performing works, we comply with the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) procedures, with the standards our company implements as well as all with the valid European standards and proposed standards for the types of installations we perform.
In order to improve air conditioning, heating and cooling system, we are engaged in research work, hold presentations at international and domestic congresses and participate in publishing scientific papers in eminent journals and collections of papers in the field of air conditioning, heating and cooling.
Air Conditioning and Heating
Soko Inžinjering is attributed with decades-old experience in the installation of air conditioning and heating systems. So far we have installed indoor and outdoor distribution for all types of air conditioning and heating systems with accompanying construction and earthworks. We assemble all types of thermal and cooling substations and provide complete service which includes insulation of the installations and insulation protection using aluminium metal sheets as well as installation of complete automation system for managing the system operation. We have numerous references for installation and commissioning of the following:
- Central air systems with air conditioning and ventilation units;
- Central water systems with fan coil units;
- Central heating systems – radiator heating systems;
- Freon air conditioning and heating systems with VRF systems;
- Freon air conditioning and heating systems with multi split systems;
- Systems with radiant panels;
- Floor heating systems.
Commercial Refrigeration
Soko Inzinering is the domestic market leader in project designing, installation and commissioning of the commercial refrigeration systems. During the processes of project designing and facility building, we take care of energy efficiency and environmental protection. Our employees are trained to handle F-gases, and installations are designed and executed in accordance with the requirements of the F-Gas Regulations. In accordance with the F-Gas Regulations, we take into account the number of detachable components, total amount of cooling fluid in a system, and reduction of the amount of cooling fluid released from the system into the environment. In all major supermarket chains, besides refrigeration installations, we installed the systems for management and surveillance of the refrigeration system operation, which additionally contributes to energy efficiency and environmental protection, providing the investor with higher quality and reliability of the installation. Our refrigeration systems are present in all major retail chains in the country as well as in the region. We have numerous references for installation and commissioning of the following:
- Central refrigeration systems with various types of environmentally friendly refrigerants;
- Central refrigeration systems with CO2;
- Plug-in refrigerated showcases;
- Small cold rooms for food storage;
- Cold storage with glass doors.
Industrial Refrigeration
Soko Inžinjering is distinguished on the domestic market as a company with numerous achievements in the field of industrial refrigeration. We are engaged in the project designing, execution and commissioning of industrial refrigeration systems for storage areas, manufacturing plants as well as for manufacturing lines. In the past decade, we became identified as the leader in the region in the field of project designing and execution of industrial refrigeration systems for distribution centres. In addition to high-quality execution, our mission is to create high energy efficiency installations, safe for environment and human health. We have numerous references illustrating our project designing, assembly and commissioning of the following:
- industrial refrigeration systems with direct ammonia cooling;
- industrial refrigeration systems with direct CO2 cooling;
- industrial refrigeration systems with direct cooling by way of environmentally friendly refrigerants;
- industrial refrigeration systems with indirect cooling.
Surveillance and Management Systems – BMS and SCADA Systems
To create a complete service, over the past decade we formed a team of engineers and assemblers trained in project designing, execution, programming and commissioning of the management and surveillance systems. In addition to the BMS system for all types of HVAC installations, we are able to offer BMS service of a complete facility. Apart from being dominant in the country and the region, our management and surveillance systems are also present in Russia, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan.